

Hosting that grows with you

Public Hosting

We can manage your OpenAssets instance on any of the major public cloud providers (e.g. AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform). Off-cloud backups and failover can be provisioned to provide resilience and the security that your data can be recovered in the event of an outage.

  • Access 24/7
  • Access from any Location
  • Automated Backups

Your Servers

We can deploy and manage OpenAssets on your own servers, either locally hosted or in a data centre of your choice. Hosting your OpenAssets instance locally means you are not reliant on an internet connection, everything is running on your local network. For resilience, we can provide a remote backup and failover to a cloud-hosted replica.

  • Complete Management of the Infrastructure

Your business online

No matter what is your preferred option for hosting your business Online, from any location and on any device.

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  • Vivamus sit amet ante ut
  • Mauris posuere justo id purus
  • Suspendisse quis mauris at quam

OpenAssets gives you complete freedom as to where your data is stored